About our foundation

Feedy Needy is a local relief and development organization founded in 2009,  by Mahomed Zaied Mahomed Haniff, who has a passion to assist children in any way he can.

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Proud Supporters

  • Local surrounding schools
    God was definitely smiling upon our school, the day Mr Mahommed and his team entered the portals of our institution. Thay have made sterling contributions to our children, community and us as well by taking our children to fun outings, serving them meals, treating them with dignity and teaching them invaluable life skills via empowerment programmes. They epitomize the saying” the hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray”, by physically getting their hands dirty and being involved in all facets of the programmes. Their organizational skills, book keeping and accountability speaks volumes of their dedication and commitment. We are truly indebited to them for their selfless service to humanity and providing opportunities for the less fortunate. They carry themselves with dignity, respect and above all integrity. Society needs more humans of their caliber.
    Local surrounding schools
  • Regional Manager - Shireen Govender
    Mother Theresa once said,”It is not how much you give, but how much love you put into giving.” These profound words aptly describes the Feedy Needy organization who over the years have spread love, warmth and hope among the underprivileged. We, at the Rising Sun Newspapers will continue to work with Feedy Needy to achieve their goals. The Feedy Needy team possesses great work ethic, compassion and the determination, that is needed to make a difference in our community. We commend them for their unselfish efforts and we feel honoured to be part of their mission.
    Regional Manager - Shireen Govender
    The Rising Sun Newspapers

A caring world where the basic requirements of underprivileged are fulfilled

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