Feedy Needy Brings Bright Smiles At Cheshire Homes
March 20, 2019Feedy Needy Treats Residents With Hampers
June 10, 2019Feedy Needy once again distributed Haleem with naan and biriyani for the second Sunday in the month of Ramadaan at 28 Penelope Street , Phoenix Highway, Phoenix.
In the month of Ramadaan , Feedy Needy will be providing meals and hampers to the poorest of the poor. A heartful thanks to all sponsors that have generously participated in making the month of Ramadaan a time of giving and sharing and bringing bright smiles throughout the community.
Should any member of the community wish to be involved in any of the Feedy Needy programmes please contact the offices on 031 824 6501/ 073 349 1950- email us admin@feedyneedy.com.