Hamper Distribution Weekly
May 13, 2020Feedy Needy Touches Lives
May 24, 2020Feedy Needy Assists the Community with hampers.
Feedy Needy hosted a major distribution over the weekend to help families with food and grocery.
This distribution would not have been possible without the support of our generous sponsors.
Our sincere gratitude to all kind contributors who were able to sponsor us with hampers and funds to purchase hampers for indigent families it has definitely made it possible to reach out to vulnerable families during the pandemic.
Feedy Needy will endeavor to serve hot meals over the weekend. We are hoping to bring peace and comfort.
Feedy Needy assisted many residents in the vicinity of Phoenix and Verulam with hampers and will continue to assist through this lockdown.
Families out there are facing difficulties and really need assistance.
Together we can help families sustain their livelihood and put food on their table.
A special thanks to sponsorship’s from Tongaat for distributions.
Please contact the team on 031 824 6501 or 078 355 8511 should you wish to assist towards a hamper each hamper cost R550.00.
Please find below banking details:
Feedy Needy Banking Details:
• Bank : Standard Bank
• Account Name : Feedy Needy
• Account No. : 081358245
• Branch Code : 057829
• Branch : Umhlanga
Feel Free to email us : admin@feedyneedy.com
Thank you and God Bless.