June 2, 2020
Sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to the team at New Era Packaging for kindly preparing fresh hot meals and distributing to indigent members in the community. Feedy Needy wholeheartedly welcomes initiatives such as these to ensure indigent families are well nutritioned especially during the pandemic we are currently facing.
Feedy Needy has been continuously distributing food hampers to residents throughout Kwa- Zulu Natal daily, as difficult as it is; we have managed to reach out to scores of vulnerable families and individuals.
We are overwhelmed with requests for groceries and humbly appeal for any kind of assistance to reach out further.
Feedy Needy has done tremendous work in various areas and we hope to do more, it is imperative that we reach out to the most deserving, it breaks our heart to see so many going to bed hungry, we are currently trying our best and urge the public to assist us with funds or food items which can be distributed further.
We once again thank all our kind sponsors and volunteers for enormous help in this difficult stage. Together we can flatten the curve. HELP US , HELP THEM!!