Feedy Needy Assists Seniors
December 23, 2020Water Relief Drive 2021
January 25, 2021Toy For Joy 2020
As promised our annual Toy For Joy campaign brings bright smiles to children in various homes and orphanages throughout Kwa-Zulu Natal namely St Monicas Children’s Home, St Theresa’s Homes, St Philaminas,Lungisani Safehouse , Sahara Shelter. The lust goes on as Feedy Needy continues to spread love and cheer this holiday by distributing burger meals, chips,juices and toys.
Sicere appreciation and gratitude to all kind sponsors for assisting Feedy Needy. Your undying support has certainly helped us to reach out to many disadvantaged individuals.
Please contact 061 497 8240 for further info.
Please save our banking details should you wish to deposit much needed funds.
Feedy Needy Account
Account Number: 081 358 245
Branch Code:057 829
Standard Bank.
We look forward to hearing from you
Please note that photos of the children that received treats could not be taken or disclosed as there was no interaction taking place, just the handover as Covid -19 protocols were adhered to.