Feedy Needy promotes “Winter Warmth” Drive
June 8, 2022Feedy Needy Brings Bright Smiles To The Youth In the Community
June 15, 2022Youth day is dedicated to the role young women and men play in bringing change in tackling global issues and achieving sustainable development. It also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness of challenges and problems facing the world’s youth.In commemoration of Youth Day this year marks the 37th anniversary of the 16 June Soweto uprising and was celebrated under the theme “Working together for youth development and a drug free South Africa, Feedy Needy will be reaching out the the Cerebral Palsy Association for the intellectually impaired in Coweys Hill as well as the the beautiful little babies at The Baby Home in Glen Anil. Amidst the crisis of the Corona virus as well as the severity of damages and shortages of water due to the recent flooding Feedy Needy has succeeded in extensive relief programmes throughout Kwa Zulu Natal.And it is evident with your kind generosity that we were able to accomplish our aim to reach out to these in need.We humbly appeal for your continuous support.Please contact 031 824 6501 for more informationBanking Details: Std Bank, Account Number: 081 358 245 Feedy NeedyAccount. Let’s Together Bring Bright Smiles