Feedy Needy Brings Bright Smiles To The Youth In the Community
June 15, 2022Feedy Needy promotes “Winter Warmth” Drive And Celebrates Mandela Day
July 18, 2022This Qurbani, your sacrifices have provided fresh meat for families in need around the community, your generosity has allowed so many to share in the joys of Eid.We just wanted to say a big thank you from Muslim hands and all the people you have fed with your Qurbani donations and show you just some of the communities you have helped.Although Qurbani is over, you can still support a hungry child by giving to our organization, providing daily meals for orphaned and needy children around the Kwa- Zulu Natal.Please contact Feedy Needy on 031 824 6501 A pick-up and service is offered.