July 11, 2022Feedy Needy sees “Disability as a Different ability”.
September 8, 2022Considering the harsh weather conditions in the Province, those that are inadequately prepared for the challenges of winter are at risk and need provisions to help them face the chilly season ahead. Feedy Needy aims to go far and wide in order to unite the fight against poverty and with the assistance of kind Samaritans, the organization will eventually have more tools and skills to eradicate poverty and reach out to those who are overwhelmed with the hardships and difficulties that they are faced with daily. Our quest is to raise as much funds as possible to carry out this project to the best of our ability. Feedy Needy generously distributed grocery hampers, warm blankets, hundred of bottled 5lt water, freshly prepared meals, freshly baked bread which were distributed to the vicinity of Verulam, Phoenix, Chatsworth, Tongaat,Isipingo and Stanger. Your humble assistance has helped keep a child warm this Winter. In commemoration of celebrating Mandela Day Feedy Needy serves our nation to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace, reconciliation and cultural diversity,Celebrated each year on the day of late Nelson Mandela’s birthday, Mandela Day is a day to honor the 67 years he spent fighting for democracy in South Africa. This day urges us to spend at least 67 minutes helping others and in effect, our country.Feedy Needy annually endeavors to assist Care Centers ,Schools, Local Communities, Safehouses and Homes for the abandoned and challenged with blankets, nutritional varients,food ,toiletries, Diapers –adult and children, educational items, chocolates and supplements in this hour of tribute to empower youth and enlighten them about the reality of poverty and the importance of giving and sharing and bringing a bright smile.Feedy Needy has identified The Cerebral Palsy Association in Coweys Hills for the intellectually impaired, and have pledged to assist them on a consistently. Children that are Autistic, Down Syndrome and other special needs children need our utmost attention, as we stretch out our hands to them we humbly appeal for any of your kind assistance towards wheelchairs, cereals/porridges diapers, toiletries such as wet wipes and hygiene packs even clothing will be accepted. We thank you once again for all the help thus far.We show gratitude and appreciation to those that have always stretched out a helping hand to assist those that are facing hardships daily.Remember that we cannot change the whole world but we can change the way the world thinks and that will live with us for the rest of our lives and small gestures always speaks volume.Contact the Feedy Needy offices on 031 824 6501 or you can drop off contributions of kind or of monetary value at the offices 1 Abervale Road. Phoenix , Rydalvale.Starwood. A pick up service can be provided for your convenience Feedy Needy Banking Details:• Bank : Standard Bank • Account Name : Feedy Needy • Account No. : 081358245 • Branch Code : 057829• Branch : Umhlanga Feel Free to email us : admin@feedyneedy.com, feel free to view our website www.feedyneedy.com or like our facebook pageA certificates are available upon request.