Feedy Needy Continues Back To School Drive
February 23, 2024Feedy Needy Feeds Residents Weekly and Brings Bright Smiles
March 25, 2024
The Feedy Needy team started preparations for of breyani and Haleem from early hours of the morning.
Delicious, freshly prepared Chicken biryani and Haleem with naan were distributed to members of the community around midday, on 17 March 2024 at the Feedy Needy headquarters a Abervale Rd, Starwood,Rydalvale. Phoenix, residents flocked in their numbers to receive their meals.
Feedy Needy will continue to assist the poorest of the poor during the month of Ramadaan.
Feedy Needy team wishes all that are celebrating the fasting month much peace, good health and prosperity.
A Heartfelt thanks to all volunteers and sponsors as well as staff of Feedy Needy who generously contributed to making the distributions a success.
For more information or if you would like to assist the team, can contact the offices on 031 824 6501
Should you wish to contribute:
A pick up service can be offered
Banking Details:
Account number : 081 358 245
Std Bank Feedy Needy Account