Feedy Needy Reaches Out During Ramadaan
April 25, 2022Feedy Needy Helps With The Flood Relief
May 23, 2022Community invited to Feedy Needy distributionS during “The Month of Mercy”This is the holiest month for Muslims. It makes Muslims realize the suffering , needs and feelings of those who are less fortunate and destitute.Feedy Needy distributed haleem,biryani, grocery hampers, naan, sweet treats, chicken and vegetables to residents in Phoenix,Verulam,Chatsworth, Overport and Isipingo from their offices at 1 Abervale Rd Phx. Meals were be distributed at 11:00am every Sunday in the fasting month. On the last Sunday of Ramadaan, Feedy Needy celebrated with the grand distribution. During the month, Feedy Needy also be provided meals for the opening and closing of fast to the poorest of the poor, and reached out to those that were affected by the floods, and also distributed water to various areas that had water shortages. Feedy Needy team worked tirelessly around the clock 24/7 ensuring that members have enough water and food. It is the organizations aim to ensure the individuals do not go hungry, and with continuous support Feedy Needy can make this a reality year after year.Once again Feedy Needy thanks all kind sponsors, volunteers and staff for all hardwork and dedication.Any humble assistance will be highly appreciated. Should any member of the community wish to be involved in any of the Feedy Needy programmes,please contact the team on 031 824 6501