Feedy Needy Reaches Out To The Disadvantaged
October 14, 2020Feedy Needy Lights up Lives this Diwali.
November 17, 2020Feedy Needy Visits Newcastle.
Organization assisted residents and children in the Newcastle area with items.
Vanity packs consisting of soaps and sanitary wear were handed over to our lovely lasses and detergents with grocery hampers were handed over to members members in that community.
Our relief programs are not restricted as we assist the impoverished in various areas.
We would like to thank all kind sponsors for continuous support.
Feedy Needy will en-devour to assist families with grocery hampers ,freshly cooked meals, diapers and wheelchairs in the weeks to come.
Please call our offices on 031 824 6501, should you wish to assist the organization reach out to the disadvantaged or for more information.