Winter Warmth Preparations 2021
April 7, 2021Feedy Needy Celebrates The Month Of Ramadaan
April 26, 2021Feedy Needy to Reach out to the Community
Feedy Needy takes care of the disadvantaged daily and during Ramadaan , Feedy Needy distributes food parcels to orphans, widows, the disabled and other disadvantaged people to ensure they can break their fast comfortably and it is our aim to ensure that individuals do not go hungry, and with continuous support Feedy Needy can make this a reality year after year.
Apart from distributing hampers throughout Kwa – Zulu Natal, Feedy Needy will be feeding local communities with Biryani, Haleem, Naan and bread weekly.
“Ramadan does not come to change our schedules. It comes to change our heart.”
We are accepting all donations during this period
Zakat, Lillah, Fitra , Sadaqah , Kaffara, Fidya
Alhamdulillah during Ramadaan our aim is to distribute the following:
We humbly appeal for kind sponsorships towards our feeding scheme and grocery hampers.
Banking Details are as follows:
Bank: Standard Bank
Acc Name: Feedy Needy
Acc No.: 081358245
Branch Code: 057829
Please contact 031 824 6501/061 497 8240
Feel Free to email the team for further information.
Below are some previous distributions which extensively served relief to many families.