Feedy Needy Invites You To Help Change Lives
April 6, 2022Feedy assists with the Flood Relief as well as feeds the Public with Freshly Prepared Meals
April 19, 2022Feedy Needy a non – profit organization distributed Haleem with naan and biriyani for the second Sunday 10th April 2022 in the month of Ramadaan at 1 Abervale Road in Phoenix.
Residents from various walks of Kwa- Zulu Natal were a part of the feeding distribution and thoroughly enjoyed all meals provided.
In the month of Ramadaan, Feedy Needy will be providing meals to the poorest of the poor.
A heartfelt thanks to all sponsors that have generously participated in making the month of Ramadaan a time of giving and sharing and bringing bright smiles throughout the community.
Thank you to all kind sponsors, staff who work tirelessly around the clock as well and volunteers for generous assistance ensuring the feeding was a huge success.
Please note we will be providing grocery hampers to senior residents in various areas throughout Kwa-Zulu Natal, and we sincerely hope the kind public will assist in this project, as we will be able to reach out to more families with your kindness
Appeals for assistance with meals and hampers are underway as we hope to reach out to many more people from various areas.
Should any member of the community wish to be involved in any of the Feedy Needy programs please contact the offices on 031 824 6501/061 497 8240- email us admin@feedyneedy.com/reena@feedyneedy.com
Feel free to donate towards this worthy cause
Feedy Needy Account
Standard Bank
Account Number: 081 358 245
Pick ups can be arranged for your convenience