February 1, 20210Feeding Schemes January 2021As the team sets out to ensure no individual is left hungry we distribute freshly cooked meals as well as […]
February 1, 20210Wheelchair Campaign 2021Feedy Needy is running a WHEELCHAIR APPEAL to help support handicapped orphan children, who are in desperate need of a […]
January 25, 20210Water Relief Drive 2021WATER RELIEF IN VARIOUS AREAS………… Feedy Needy assists areas that have been affected by the water crisis. Thousands of litres […]
December 23, 20200Toy For Joy 2020Toy For Joy 2020 As promised our annual Toy For Joy campaign brings bright smiles to children in various homes […]
December 23, 20200Feedy Needy Assists SeniorsAs 2020 draws closer to an end Feedy Needy reaches out to the seniors in the community by handing over […]
December 14, 20200Feedy Needy Visits Hazrath Raja BawaFeedy Needy Visits Hazrath Raja Bawa…….. The team reached to children at the Raja Bawa Homes in Bonella. Feedy Needy […]
November 17, 20200Feedy Needy Lights up Lives this Diwali.Feedy Needy Lights up Lives this Diwali. Phoenix based Non- Profit Organization,Feedy Needy brings brights smiles on Saturday 14 […]
November 3, 20200Feedy Needy Visits Newcastle.Feedy Needy Visits Newcastle. Organization assisted residents and children in the Newcastle area with items. Vanity packs consisting of soaps […]
October 14, 20200Feedy Needy Reaches Out To The DisadvantagedFeedy Needy Visits Homes and Schools in Verulam Npo assisted the physically and intellectually impaired at the Clayfield Homes in […]