Feedy Needy Continues to Reach Out
April 2, 2024Feedy Needy To Equip Our Recipients For Winter.
May 20, 2024As the Month of Ramadaan blesses us and our homes.Feedy Needy reached out to many from the first day of the fasting period with meals freshly prepared to open and close fasts as well as weekly distributions of Haleem, Breyani,naan and bread, on the last feeding, which took place at 1 Abervale Road, Phoenix, grocery hampers consisting of groceries like, dholl , rice, cake flour ,sugar, milk, teabags ,coldrink, beans ,tinfish, canned items, pasta, noodles,oil, biscuits, spices and not forgetting frozen chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and bread;were distributed to the public and various districts. Staff and volunteers worked around the clock to ensure the feeding was sufficient and prepared, to help our people.
We would like to thank all sponsors and Feedy Needy team for dedication and undying support.
Please feel free to donate or call our offices 031 824 6501 if you would like to be part of the feeding.
The organization assists the underprivileged during the period of Ramadaan and other religious periods, throughout the year.
It is the organizations aim to ensure the individuals do not go hungry, and with continuous support Feedy Needy can make this a reality year after year.
For the past 10 years we have been serving humanity, and our auccessses result from every generous donation,however large or small, has enabled to reach vulnerable people.
The Feedy Needy team would like to wish all that are celebrating this beautiful occasion all the best and may the light always shine upon you and your family.
Please Contact (Office ) 031 824 6501 for more information
061 497 8240 www.feedyneedy.com
Physical Address: 1 Abervale Road , Starwood, Rydalvale ,Phoenix Highway, Phoenix
Banking Details:
Standard Bank
Account Name: Feedy Needy
Account Number: 081 358 245
Branch Code: 057829